Theme and Scope
Doctoral Seminar
Young Scholars Workshop
Publishing Workshop
Important Dates
Theme and Scope
This year the European Commission is launching Horizon 2020, the new Framework Program for Research and Innovation. The operations management scientific community is called to put a lot of attention on its contribution to innovation and on its role and value in an innovation economy. For this reason, this year the Conference theme is: Operations Management in an Innovation Economy.
According to innovation economists what primarily drives economic growth in today’s knowledge-based economy is not capital accumulation but innovative capacity spurred by appropriable knowledge and technological externalities. Economics growth in innovation economics is the end-product of knowledge, R&D expenditures, licenses, technological spillovers and externalities between collaborative firms, i.e. networks of innovation. We also witness the rise of supply chains of innovation. As the global economy is more and more driven by knowledge and innovation, companies are confronted with new operational questions and issues. When firms do not explicitly acknowledge and manage their operations as a concurrent activity to the management of innovation, they often encounter problems late in product development, or with manufacturing launch, logistical support, quality control, and production costs. As such, innovation process and operations management should be coordinated, rather than being viewed as separate sets of decisions and activities.
We strongly believe that OM plays a significant role in Innovation Economy. The topics below capture the scope of the conference theme.
- Behavioural Operations
- Capacity Planning and Control
- E-business and Operations
- Empirical Modelling and Simulation
- Empirical Research in Operations Management
- Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing
- Healthcare Operations Management
- Humanitarian Operations and Crisis
- Innovation, Product and Service Development
- Information Systems in Operations
- Inventory Management
- Lean and Agile Operations
- Logistics Management and Physical Distribution
- Managing Change in Operations
- Managing Inter-firm Relationships in Supply Chains
- Managing the Operations Interface within Organisations
- Mass Customization
- Negotiations, contracts and conflicts in decentralized supply networks
- Next generation operations
- Operations Innovation
- Operations Management in Regional Economies
- Operations in the Public Sector
- Operations Planning, Scheduling and Control
- Operations Risk Management and Resilience
- Operations Strategy
- Performance Measurement and Management
- Plant Location, Design and Layout
- Project Management
- Purchasing and Procurement
- Reliability and Maintenance
- Retail Operations
- Revenue Management in Operations
- Sales & Operation Planning
- Service Operations Management
- Servitization
- Supply Chain Management
- Supply Network Design
- Sustainability in Operations and Logistics (including Social and Environmental aspects)
- Teaching and Learning in Operations Management (incl. Cases, Games and Simulations)
- Technology Management in Operations
- Total Quality Management, Kaizen and Six Sigma
Organizing Committee
The conference organisation will be coordinated by the Operations Management researchers of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Palermo. The University of Palermo (UNIPA) is a consolidated cultural, scientific and teaching presence in central-western Sicily. It consists of 12 Faculties and 21 Departments which cover the most important domains of contemporary scientific and technological knowledge. About 130 courses (bachelor and master courses) are offered yearly together with 90 PhD courses which aim to train specific professional figures, often in cooperation with external institutions and companies . This globally means a community of more than 50,000 students.
The Organizing Committee of the 21st EurOMA Conference consists of:
- Giovanni Perrone, University of Palermo (Conference Chair).
- Manfredi Bruccoleri, University of Palermo (Conference Vice-Chair).
- Giuseppe Aiello, University of Palermo
- Mario Enea, University of Palermo
- Umberto La Commare, University of Palermo
- Giovanna Lo Nigro, University of Palermo
- Erica Mazzola, University of Palermo
- Paolo Roma, University of Palermo
- Alessandro Ancarani, University of Catania
Scientific Committee
Last name |
First name |
Affiliation/University |
Acur | Nuran | University of Strathclyde |
Adamides | Emmanuel | University of Patras |
Åhlström | Pär | Stockholm School of Economics |
Ambrose | Eamonn | UCD |
Ankarani | Alessandro | University of Catania |
Ashayeri | Jalal | Tilburg University |
Benedettini | Ornella | University of Cambridge |
Bengtsson | Lars | University of Gävle |
Betts | Teresa | Murray State University |
Bhakoo | Vikram | University of Melbourne |
Bititci | Umit | University of Strathclyde |
Boer | Harry | Aalborg University |
Brandon-Jones | Alistair | Manchester Business School |
Brennan | Louis | Trinity College |
Bruccoleri | Manfredi | University of Palermo |
Cagliano | Raffaella | Politecnico di Milano |
Caniato | Federico | Politecnico di Milano |
Chaudhuri | Atanu | Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow |
Childerhouse | Paul | Massey |
Clegg | Ben | Aston University |
Coughlan | Paul | TCD |
Danese | Pamela | University of Padova |
De Leeuw | Sander | VU University Amsterdam |
Deflorin | Patricia | University of Zurich |
Demeter | Krisztina | Corvinus University of Budapest |
Disney | Stephen | Cardiff University |
Doran | Des | University of Sussex |
Dukovska-Popovska | Iskra | Aalborg University |
Fabbe-Costes | Nathalie | Cret-Log- Aix-Marseille University |
Farooq | Sami | Aalborg University |
Ferdows | Kasra | Georgetown University |
Filippini | Roberto | University of Padova |
Forza | Cipriano | University of Padova |
Framinan | José Manuel | University of Seville |
Fransoo | Jan | Eindhoven University of Technology |
Fynes | Brian | UCD |
Garavelli | Claudio | Politecnico di Bari |
Giannoccaro | Ilaria | Politecnico di Bari |
Gimenez | Cristina | ESADE Business School |
Gobbi | Chiara | Copenhagen Business School |
Godsell | Janet | Cranfield |
Golini | Ruggero | Università degli Studi di Bergamo |
Größler | Andreas | Radboud University Nijmegen |
Hargaden | Vincent | University College Dublin |
Heaslip | Graham | National University of Ireland Maynooth |
Hendry | Linda | Lancaster University |
Holmström | Jan | Aalto University |
Holweg | Matthias | Cambridge |
Hsuan | Juliana | Copenhagen Business School |
Humphreys | Paul | University of Ulster |
Jayaram | Jayanth | University of South Carolina |
Jenei | István | Corvinus University of Budapest |
Johansson | Mats | Chalmers |
Jonsson | Patrik | Chalmers University of Technology |
Kalchschmidt | Matteo | Università degli Studi di Bergamo |
Karlsson | Christer | Copenhagen Business School |
Keegan | Richard | Trinity College Dublin |
Klassen | Robert | Western University |
Koulikoff-Souviron | Marie | Skema Business School |
Kumar | Maneesh | Cardiff University |
Lawson | Benn | University of Cambridge |
Lewis | Michael | University of Bath |
Longoni | Annachiara | Politecnico di Milano |
MacBryde | Jill | Strathclyde Business School |
MacCarthy | Bart | University of Notthingham |
Machuca | Jose A.D. | University of Seville |
Marshall | Donna | University College Dublin |
Maylor | Harvey | Cranfield University |
McAdam | Rodney | University of Ulster |
McIvor | Ronan | University of Ulster |
Mendibil | Kepa | University of Strathclyde |
Miemczyk | Joe | Audencia Nantes |
Nassinbeni | Guido | Università degli Studi di Udine |
Neely | Andy | University of Cambridge |
New | Steve | Oxford University |
O'Reilly | Seamus | UCC - University College Cork |
Olhager | Jan | Lund University |
Pagell | Mark | University College Dublin |
Palcic | Iztok | University of Maribor |
Perrone | Giovanni | University of Palermo |
Pires | Silvio | Methodist University of Piracicaba |
Platts | Ken | Cambridge |
Power | Damien | The University of Melbourne |
Prester | Jasna | University of Zagreb, Faculty of Bussiness and Economics |
Radnor | Zoe | Loughborough University |
Ramanathan | Usha | University of Bedfordshire |
Reiner | Gerald | University of Neuchâtel |
Ribera | Jaume | IESE Business School |
Roden | Sinéad | University of Bath |
Romano | Pietro | University of Udine, |
Rudberg | Martin | Linköping University |
Salgado-Pinto | Sofia | Catholic University of Portugal |
Scavarda | Annibal | Unisinos - University of the Sinos Valley |
Scherrer | Maike | Universityof St. Gallen |
Scholten | Kirstin | University of Groningen |
Selviaridis | Kostas | Lund University |
Seuring | Stefan | University of Kassel |
Sheu | Chwen | Kansas State University |
Singh | Prakash | University of Melbourne |
Slepniov | Dmitrij | Aalborg University, Center for Industrial Production |
Sousa | Rui | Catholic University of Portugal (Porto) |
Spina | Gianluca | Politecnico di Milano |
Spring | Martin | Lancaster University Management School |
Squire | Brian | University of Bath |
Steenhuis | Harm-Jan | Eastern Washington University |
Stevenson | Mark | Lancaster University |
Stratton | Roy | Nottingham Trent University |
Strohhecker | Jürgen | Frankfurt School of Finance & Management |
Tang | Chris | UCLA |
Taylor | Margaret | University of Bradford |
Taylor | Andrew | University of Bradford |
Thorstenson | Anders | Aarhus University |
Van der Vaart | Taco | University of Groningen |
Van Donk | Dirk Pieter | University of Groningen |
Vanpoucke | Evelyne | Maastricht University |
Vereecke | Ann | Vlerick Business School |
Vinelli | Andrea | University of Padova |
Vos | Bart | Tilburg University |
Voss | Chris | Wawick Business School |
Waehrens | Brian | Aalborg University |
Walker | Helen | Cardiff University |
Wänström | Carl | Chalmers University of Technology |
Wemmerlov | Urban | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Wiengarten | Frank | ESADE |
Wong | Chee Yew | Leeds University Business School |
Wynstra | Finn | Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University |
Location and dates
The Doctoral Seminar is held once a year, just prior to the EurOMA annual conference. The 13th EurOMA Doctoral Seminar will take place at the University of Palermo on Friday and Saturday June 20-21, 2014.
The EurOMA Doctoral Seminar provides PhD students with a forum to present and to discuss their research, and an opportunity to get feedback from and exchange comments with fellow PhD students and established researchers in Operations Management.
The Doctoral Seminar consists of two 'classes' or years. In the first year class, participants are invited to present their research design and preliminary results. This seminar is meant for students who are in the first year or early in the second year of their PhD studies.
Students who have come further and/or who took part in a previous first year class can join the second year class. In that seminar, the discussion will focus on results and preliminary conclusions (contribution to theory, methodology and/or practice of Operations Management).
Students are recommended strongly to attend the EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Research Methodology in Operations Management before participating in the EurOMA series of Doctoral Seminars.
Certification and credits
Upon successful completion of the Doctoral Seminar, first year participants receive a certificate titled 'Research Design in Operations Management'. Second year participants receive a certificate titled 'Research Results in Operations Management'. Each Doctoral Seminar counts for 3 ECTS.
Work mode: presentation, discussion and reflection
First year participants must submit a written project description as part of their application for the Doctoral Seminar. Second year participants must submit a working paper, as part of their application, covering their initial findings and conclusions. All participants are expected to present, discuss and reflect on their research in collaboration with fellow-students and faculty.
Accepted students participating in the Doctoral Seminar will be sent a link to an online registration form when they receive acceptance notification.
Please note it is not possible to register using the ‘Register Here’ button on the conference website, this registration facility is for the main conference registration fee only.
The fee for the Doctoral Seminar includes:
a. participation in the Doctoral Seminar, the seminar dinner on Friday June 20th, lunches, coffee and refreshments;
b. participation in the EurOMA conference, June 22nd - 25th, 2014, including admission to all scientific sessions, registration package and proceedings, lunches and refreshment breaks, welcome reception and conference dinner.
The fees will be:
Student Members of EurOMA: 500 €
Student Non Members of EurOMA: 620 €
Fees from 16 April onwards (including Conference fee and Doctoral Seminar Fee):
Student Members of EurOMA: 620 €
Student Non Members of EurOMA: 720 €
To apply to participate in the 13th Doctoral Seminar, first year applicants must submit a short project description (5 pages) with name, project title, affiliation, and a letter of recommendation from their supervisor.
These two documents must be sent by e-mail no later than Friday January 31, 2014 to Professor Pär Åhlström at
Second year participants should confirm their participation by e-mail no later than Friday January 31, 2014 to Professor Pär Åhlström at
Notification and preparation
All applicants will be notified of acceptance or rejection of their application by Friday February 14, 2014.
Accepted first year applicants will then be asked to prepare and to submit a full paper (max. 25 pages) describing their research design, no later than Friday May 16, 2014.
Accepted second year participants will then be asked to deliver a working paper (max. 25 pages) covering the preliminary results and conclusions of their research, no later than Friday May 16, 2014.
A faculty of six to eight established and renowned OM scholars will take part in the Doctoral Seminar, providing support and feedback, sharing their experiences, and engaging actively in the discussions.
Other EurOMA-related teaching activities
Students are strongly recommended to participate in the EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Research Methodology in Operations Management before participating in the EurOMA series of Doctoral Seminars. This seminar is organized by EIASM in close collaboration with EurOMA.
Further information on the seminar can be found at the EIASM website.
Application deadline: January 31, 2014
Notification of acceptance: February 14, 2014
Submission of full paper: May 16, 2014
Seminar dates: Friday and Saturday June 20-21, 2014
Programme: Professor Pär Åhlström, Department of Management and Organization, Stockholm School of Economics email:
General arrangements, registration, bookings and accommodation: www.euroma2014.com
Young Scholars Workshop
Targeted at young academics in general and alumni of the EurOMA Doctoral Seminar in particular, the EurOMA Young Scholars Workshop is conceived as a way to support the career development of young scholars in the field of operations management (OM) by teaching and sharing with them major skills needed in an academic career. Important skills are related to the following subjects:
- Supervising MSc and PhD students.
- Teaching OM to MSc and MBA students.
- Designing and developing research projects in Operations Management – From concept to publication.
- Developing your career – managing your way through academia.
- Developing theoretically rigorous and managerially relevant OM research.
Each year one of the above subjects is developed on a rolling base. 2014 is the year of the “Developing theoretically rigorous and managerially relevant OM research”. At the same time, the initiative is aimed at developing the community of young OM scholars, keeping the network alive and providing opportunities to meet and discuss relevant topics.
The theme and program of the 2014 workshop is “Operations management – research and practice”.
Operations management as a scientific discipline has always struggled with the practical relevance and impact of its research. At the same time, there is no doubt that OM concepts, systems and practices have huge impact on the performance of production companies, service providers and public organizations. However, how good are these concepts, systems and practices and/or their implementation actually? To what extent is the practical impact of OM a reflection of robust theory development or is there still a lot of scope for improvement? How useful and usable are the results of single or multiple cases studies and collaborative research projects beyond the boundaries of the firm(s) involved, and what can be done to increase their generalizability? How useful and usable are the results of survey-based quantitative studies?
Addressing these and similar questions, the workshop features presentations from OM scholars and practitioners who have been involved in OM research and will share their experience, views and ideas on questions and topics such as:
- How to increase the usefulness and usability of OM research?
- Designing, conducting and publishing collaborative research.
- Taking theory to practice – taking practice to research.
Of course there will be ample opportunities for networking, one of the key overall objectives of the Young Scholars Workshops.
Target group and eligibility
The target group of the workshop is young OM academics who aim at a continued academic career. Priority is given to EurOMA Doctoral Seminar alumni. At least two years involvement in academic job activities is required, e.g. supervising and teaching, apart from the applicant’s own PhD research project. The number of participants is limited to 30 people, who have registered for the conference.
The 2014 workshop is open to EurOMA members participating in the 2014 annual conference, who have presented their PhD thesis between 2007 and 2012.
Young scholars who participated in the 2013 workshop will receive an invitation and have
to confirm their participation in the 2014 workshop by sending an e-mail to before April 19, 2014.
First time applicants are requested to send a CV and proof of their EurOMA membership by e-mail to
before April 19, 2014.
Notification of acceptance will be sent out not later than April 26, 2014.
The workshop
- Date: Sunday 22 June 2014
- Theme: Operations management – research and practice
- Time: 09.00 – 13.30
- Location: Polididattico - University of Palermo, Viale delle Scienze ed. 19 - room to be announced
- Fee: included in the conference fee
Outline Program
To be announced.
Professor Harry Boer, Center for Industrial Production, Aalborg University.
7th EurOMA Workshop on Journal Publishing in Operations Management
The Workshop on Journal Publishing in Operations Management is specially indicated for faculty in the field of Operations Management (OM), who wish to increase the quality of their publications in recognised international academic journals in the field.
The Publishing Workshop process has three specific steps:
- Writing
The Publishing Workshop process starts with an EurOMA conference abstract which has been accepted for the main conference programme and also for the Publishing Workshop. Following acceptance, each participant will develop the abstract into a conference paper. This paper forms the basis for participation in the Publishing Workshop. In the workshop, each paper will be allocated to a reviewer or journal editorial board member as Discussant, who will comment on the content and clarity of presentation of the ideas. - Overview of the submission and review process
The workshop will start with a session with reviewers and members of the editorial boards, where participants will be briefed on the editorial policy, publication process and strategies for submission. - Small Group Discussions
Discussion of each paper will follow, in small group sessions. These sessions will enable participants to obtain feedback on their papers from the reviewers and editorial board members, as well as from other Workshop participants in the same track. The suggestions for further development will allow authors to identify the key steps to bring the paper up to publication standards. There is, of course, no certainty of subsequent publication as a result of the participation in the Workshop since the journals’ blind review is the only process that leads to the acceptance of a paper for publication.
Publishing Workshop Organising Committee
Cipriano Forza
Università di Padova, Vicenza, Italy
Cristina Gimenez
ESADE Business School, Barcelona, Spain
Juliana Hsuan
Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark
Marie Koulikoff-Souviron
SKEMA Business School, Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France
Christopher Voss
London Business School, London, UK
Application, Submission and Review
Applications are welcome from researchers in all research areas of Operations Management. A condition for being considered for participation in the Workshop is prior acceptance of an abstract for the main Conference programme by the EurOMA 2014 Conference Scientific Committee. Please read the Call for Papers for the EurOMA 2014 Conference.
To apply to participate in the Publishing Workshop, applicants must submit their accepted conference abstract by e-mail no later than February 28, 2014 to Professors Marie Koulikoff at and Cristina Gimenez at .
The acceptance decision by the Publishing Workshop Organising Committee will be based on three criteria:
- relevance and fit with the scope of the journal(s),
- quality,
- opportunity for increasing participation by researchers for whom English is not a first language.
Acceptance will notified by email to participants on March 28, 2014.
Registration and Fee
The Workshop will be open only to accepted and registered EurOMA 2014 Conference participants.
Accepted participants for the Publishing Workshop should register for the Workshop through the Conference website. The registration fee is €125, payable in advance. It includes documents, morning and afternoon refreshments and a light lunch.
The Publishing Workshop will begin on June 21, 2014 at 8:30 with registration. The Workshop will end on June 21, 2014 at 17:30.
It is expected that participants stay for the full duration of the workshop.
The Workshop
Date: Saturday 21 June, 2014
Time: 08:30 – 17.30
Location: Polididattico - University of Palermo, Viale delle Scienze ed. 19 - room to be announced
Fee: €125
Marie Koulikoff-Souviron
SKEMA Business School, Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France
Cristina Gimenez
ESADE Business School, Barcelona, Spain
Main Conference: 22-24 June 2014 Doctoral Seminar: 20-21 June 2014 Young Scholars Workshop: 22 June 2014 Welcome Reception: 22 June 2014 Conference Dinner: 23 June 2014 Optional Plant Tours: 25 June 2014 |
Preliminary Call for Papers: 1 October 2013 Registration Open: 5 November 2013 Deadline for Abstract submissions: 7 January 2014 Notification of Acceptance: 25 February 2014 Submission of Final Papers: 15 April 2014 Early Bird and Author Registration Deadline: 15 April 2014 Conference: 20-25 June 2014 |
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